Doing Good
As a modern business, it’s our duty to stand for more than just profit. In 2021, we launched our sustainability strategy ‘The Greggs Pledge’, in which we set our ten commitments to help make the world a better place. We’re dedicated to helping people, protecting the planet, and working together.
Making the world a better place
Since we first opened our doors in 1939, we have always tried to do the right thing by our people, our suppliers, and our communities.
Today, Greggs is a company with a national presence, employing thousands of people, supporting hundreds of suppliers, and serving millions of customers. The way we operate affects a great many people so being a good business is more important than ever.
We’ve chosen to concentrate our efforts on the challenges where we think we can make the most difference: building stronger, healthier communities; making our planet safer; and being a better business. These three strategic pillars are underpinned by clear policies and a robust governance framework.
We believe in being as transparent as possible about what we are doing and, every year, we publish a progress report to let you know how we’re getting on.
We pledge to do more
We have always been committed to doing the right thing, but we wanted to be more specific about how we channel our efforts and resources into doing good. We reflected on what we could do to have the most positive impact on the world around us, and have chosen to dedicate our efforts to three areas: communities, the planet, and our approach to business.
We pledge to play our part in improving the nation's diet by helping to tackle obesity, providing free breakfasts to schoolchildren, and giving surplus food to charities.
We pledge to become a carbon neutral, zero waste business.
We pledge to increase the diversity of our workforce and use our purchasing power responsibly.
The Greggs Pledge
Download our 2023 progress report
In 2021, we launched The Greggs Pledge, setting out ten commitments to help make the world a better place. Read more about our progress in our latest report, published April 2024.