Greggs publishes 2023 Farm Animal Welfare Strategy
We are proud to once again publish our Farm Animal Welfare Strategy.
Over the last eight years, we’ve worked with our suppliers to implement the Greggs Farm Animal Welfare Standards to avoid the abuse or exploitation of animals. As a result, we climbed from Tier 5 in the Business Benchmark in 2012 to Tier 2 in 2016 – and have held that standard ever since.
Our suppliers must meet or exceed the Greggs Farm Animal Welfare Standards, a clear set of rules that we developed with consideration of the Farm Animal Welfare Committee’s ‘Five Freedoms’ for livestock. They encompass both the mental and physical well-being of animals reared to provide ingredients and products, and recognise that farm animals are sentient beings that deserve to be treated with respect. The Five Freedoms are widely recognised as the founding principles of good animal welfare, and form the basis of UK and EU animal welfare legislation.
Our farm animal welfare standards
We have eight farm animal welfare standards that we ask our suppliers to meet. These standards are based on our farm animal welfare policies. In some cases, we have already achieved our objectives and are now maintaining them. In others, we’re working with our suppliers to move closer to our goal:
Every animal is stunned before slaughter
No animal is transported for over 8 hours
No animal is kept in close confinement
No pigs are reared using sow stalls
No animals are reared using growth promoting substances
No animals are genetically modified or cloned
No dairy cow is tethered
No dairy cow has its tail docked
We monitor each of these key performance indicators through supplier questionnaires, third party accreditations, site visits, trace audits, and farm animal welfare audits.